
Minimally Invasive CI Surgery of Tomorrow

OtoJig ™, a high-precision mini-stereotactic solution that enables minimally invasive cochlear implant surgeries.
Set of hard- and software tools, to plan and create patient-specific drilling jigs, directly in the operation room.
Optimal drilling path realized on static jig, that locks the trajectory.
Rigid assembly ensures precise access and electrode insertion.


Simple & Intuitive

OtoJig™ tools are designed to provide a standardized and simple solution to ensure an optimal surgery outcome. In order to do so and centered on an overall ease of use, the OtoJig™ system does not require complex mechanics and is shipped with an easy-to-use planning software, which is optimized for OR environments.

Precise & Safe

Providing a rigid assembly that guides the drill, it is possible to maintain a high drill path accuracy. The planning software and the drilling precision help to identify and save critical structures, such as the facial nerve, and ensures adherence to safety margins.

Fast & Reliable

Once planned, the overall procedure can be performed fast and reliable. A brief comparison shows, that due to lesser drilling time, the overall operation room time can be reduced tremendously.


By employing OtoJig™ in small and big clinics alike, a higher therapeutic safety for patients is achievable. The possibility for a qualified treatment nearby the patients' home town, not only affects the service in rural areas, but ensures a more therapeutic environment, whilst recovering.


The presented procedure allows surgeons to perform CI implantations in a routined manner, with lesser risks, so that optimal and reproducible results can be achieved. By providing all tools necessary, OtoJig™ enables a more accurate electrode placement, and maintains a higher predictability for operation room time, needed.

Hospitals & Healthcare systems

The lesser operation room time helps hospitals to keep finances in check and to reduce costs per procedure. By providing a standardized workflow, it is possible to stay competitive, without a trade-off in service quality. Reduced risks help the healthcare systems to reduce potential follow-up costs.

Awards & Certificates

2020-04 OtoJig received the award for innovation through research 2020 from the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V. because our innovation is driven by science and research.

Responsibility & Sustainability OtoJig is not only a synonym for the CI surgery of tomorrow but we also care about the future in general. Therefore we support sustainable life- and work style and we compensate our unavoidable business flights. In 2019 we compensated 16.085 kg CO₂ with atmosfair.

2019-10 OtoJig receives the prestigious award of the Börsenclub Hannover from 1785 e.V. for startups in the category "medical technology".


The conventional approach, a mastoidectomy with facial recess approach (MFRA), consists of nine major phases. The actual operation starts with the skin incision, followed by a time consuming mastoidectomy and a posterior tympanotomy. Depending on the surgeons experience, the time needed may vary. Once the bone bed is shaped, a final delicate step, the electrode insertion, is performed.
Even cases without further complications can take more than 180 minutes of OR time.
OtoJig™ addresses these time-consuming or delicate phases, by providing easy-to-use aids and guides. After the positioning and preparation a DVT scan is used to visually plan the trajectory. A jigmaker is then used to shape the patients' individual template. By anchoring that template to the patient, drills and endoscopic tools can be applied for precision surgery and electrode placement.

Get In Touch

Find us at
Feodor-Lynen-Straße 35
30625 Hannover

Phone us via
+49 511 5385 9999

Mail us at

Funding & Support


OtoJig is supported by BMBF (FKZ 13GW0265A) to research clinical usability aspects.

BMBF - Project "OtoTrak"

OtoJig is sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 2020-2023 by BMBF (FKZ 13GW0367A). The project is about image processing for optimized minimally invasive drilled canals.

NBank, Lower Saxony, EU-EFRE - Project acronym "EISCI"

OtoJig is supported by European funding.